NFSI team prepare Aquarius BBOBS on deck prior to first deployment in November 2021
Thirty Aquarius BBOBS prepared for shipping at Güralp facilities
Aquarius BBOBS prepared for test deployment, August, 2021
This shipment represents the first ‘large volume’ batch of the contract totalling 120 OBS systems.
Güralp Systems Ltd., a global leader in the manufacture of broadband seismic instrumentation, has shipped the third and largest batch of thirty
Aquarius broadband ocean bottom seismometers (BBOBS) to the National Facility for Seismic Imaging (
NFSI) in Halifax, Canada.
This shipment follows two early stage consignments totalling twelve Aquarius BBOBS systems which were delivered to the NFSI in September and October 2021 and deployed in November 2021. The latest lot forms a substantial portion of a contract that totals 120 free-fall, Aquarius BBOBS systems and associated topside equipment.
The technically advanced Aquarius BBOBS features data transfer capability using acoustic telemetry through the water column and is suitable for deployments of up to 6000 m (19,685 ft). With a diameter of just one metre, the robust Aquarius is also the smallest BBOBS system available on the market.
The consignment left the UK port of Southampton 24th May and is expected to arrive in Halifax this week. The first deployment for these instruments, later in 2022, will be offshore Haida Gwaii, British Columbia to gather passive seismic data as part of a wider project to investigate the Queen Charlotte fault.
Mladen Nedimovic, Project Director, NFSI stated:
"We are excited to soon receive our largest batch so far of Aquarius BBOBS from Güralp and are looking forward to both our continuing partnership with Güralp and deploying these instruments within several months offshore Canada’s west coast."
In addition to supplying the hardware, Güralp has also provided certified online training to the NFSI staff and their selected partners in: dockside configuration and setup; field operations; technical servicing of the BBOBS systems.
The remaining BBOB systems are timetabled for shipment, in three further batches, during the remainder of 2022.
Güralp Systems ( is a leading global provider of sophisticated seismic monitoring solutions used to understand natural seismological events such as earthquakes, aftershocks and volcanos, as well as induced seismic events, or seismic signals, resulting from human activity.
Our solutions are used in research, civil and industrial applications to increase understanding, optimise processes and to protect people and the environment. Our equipment is installed in all major ocean basins and across all continents worldwide.
Our instruments range in performance from very low frequency, very low noise for global seismology to high dynamic range instruments for local, strong motion monitoring. Our sensors and can be supplied for deployment at the surface, in boreholes and on the ocean bottom. We also provide data acquisition equipment, power and communication accessories and data interpretation software.
Our services include installation and commissioning; network operation; repair and maintenance services; data processing and interpretation.
Headquartered in Reading, in the UK, we have been operating for more than 30 years and have established a global network of distributors who provide local customer support and sales services.
Aquarius BBOBS
The Aquarius is a compact unit with a low profile that minimises flow noise on the seabed and features unique capabilities specifically suited to free-fall deployment in the deep ocean.
• The sensor is operational at acute angles of up to ±180° without mechanical levelling
• The on-board tri-axial, broadband seismometer has a 120s-100Hz response with a configurable long-period corner, making it ideal for instrument pools where response requirements may vary between projects
• An omnidirectional transducer enables cable-free data transfer through the water column – this is used at deployment by the OBS team to view ‘State of Health’ parameters, noise performance data and to confirm commencement of seismic recording once the system reaches the seabed
• The recovery system once activated is supported by a satellite tracking system that locates the instrument on the sea surface for retrieval prior to data download, battery re-charge and re-deployment
Each of the re-usable Aquarius units will be engineered for a maximum depth of 6000m and has a battery life of at least 12 months
Emma Seymour
Güralp Systems Ltd
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Thirty Aquarius BBOBS prepared for shipping at Güralp facilities
Aquarius BBOBS prepared for test deployment, August, 2021