EINPresswire.com/ -- Matthew S. of Glendale, CA is the creator of the Ocean Generator Plant, a renewable energy system that utilizes ocean water to generate power for island communities, lakeside communities, and other areas near large bodies of water. Water flows into the system, and an air compressor unit and impeller work in conjunction to convert the water flow into renewable electricity. The device is comprised of a steel tube equipped with watertight compartments under the water surface with a transmission cable and an air supply pipe. The room at the bottom has an impeller connected to a shaft that connects to a generator in the top room.
The OGP system works by harnessing the natural power of water. Water flows into the system, and an air compressor unit and impeller work in conjunction to convert the water flow into renewable electricity. This technology is a game-changer for coastal communities, as it provides a reliable and clean source of energy that is not dependent on traditional fossil fuels.
Electric air compressors will fill the air flasks in the middle room. The air for the compressors will be drawn from the surface by the air supply pipe with a valve controlling the air into the compressors. Once water fills most of the impeller room, the valve at the water supply pipe will close and air from the flasks will pressurize the impeller room to push the water out through the base. Water will then be allowed to flow and rotate the impeller to turn the generator for electricity production. This cycle can endlessly repeat to generate renewable power.
One of the key advantages of the OGP system is its versatility. It can be installed in various locations, making it suitable for a wide range of communities. Whether it's a small island village or a lakeside town, the OGP system can provide a sustainable energy solution. Additionally, the system is designed to be low maintenance and has a long lifespan, making it a cost-effective option for communities looking to reduce their carbon footprint. As fossil fuels continue to devastate the global environment, renewable energy sources are a must—the Ocean Generator Plant is innovative and would be a significant enhancement for any manufacturer’s product line.
Matthew filed his Utility Patent with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and is working closely with
InventionHome, a leading invention licensing firm, to sell or license the patent rights to his Ocean Generator Plant product. Ideal licensing candidates would be U.S. based product manufacturers or distributors looking to further develop and distribute this product innovation.
Companies interested in the Ocean Generator Plant can contact InventionHome at member@inventionhome.com. Inventors currently looking for assistance in patenting, marketing, or licensing their invention can request information from InventionHome at info@inventionhome.com or by calling
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